Sorry Tim, but I have to admit, nothing beats a mason jar to carry around my green smoothie in my books :)
I have even made it an adventure to find unique and antique mason jars. I remember years ago, my mother buying me one for my birthday because it had my year of birth on it. Haven’t gotten out to quite as many antique or flea markets as I would like to, but the nicer weather is coming :)
I’ve met a woman in the area that makes and sells raw food, and her website inspired my cupboards as well (although I have to admit, mine are still a work in progress). You should check out the photos! Now if I could only find someone to put up the old rustic shelves for me I’d be all set!!!
I had a panic day the other morning; upon waking, I noticed that there were no bananas for my green smoothie! Guess I’ve inspired a few smoothie makers in my household. Uh oh, what was I going to do? I am becoming accustom to my breakie of choice. I guess maybe I am an extremist, I packed up my blender and off I went to work, stopping only long enough to pick up pineapple, bananas and spinach at the grocery store. I must admit that I forgot a mason jar at home to keep at the office, and contemplated going back just for one (strike two for extremist, or maybe that is just anal) :)
So, the day was saved, I now am the proud owner of two blenders; one at home and one at the office. The girls at work are getting quite used to me carrying around mason jars, so the addition of a blender full of green goop to the office kitchen really wasn’t much of a surprise. Just call me Vicky ;)