Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day One: Apple Blood Orange Feast

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go" T.S. Elliot

This is how we keep our juice cold in Southern Ontario... Good thing we got extra snow this year, after building my igloo, I was able to build this nice refrigerator....
Well the first day of juice feasting was relatively easy. My day was somewhat out of routine, so the juicing just seemed to go with the flow.

I drank my litre of lemon water and msm this morning, followed by 1/2 litre of apple/blood orange juice for lunch. I tried a few green juice combinations, but they didn't seem to satisfy me the same way that the fruit juice did. I made myself another 1/2 litre of apples and blood oranges early afternoon. I was surprised that I wasn't hungry for the most part. I did get hungry just before lunch and again just before dinner, but the (fruit) juice was quite satisfying.

The day isn't over yet, but I just had a nice relaxing soak in the tub, accompanied by a litre of watermelon/mint juice, and I'm planning to go to bed at a decent hour. I have so far consumed about 2 1/2 litres of juice, so I need to get a bit more into me before the end of the day...

Elizabeth, I hope your day was a good one too!
Okay, call me strange... here is my eye colour today... one of the things that I find amazing and incredible is the change that occurs in a juice feasters eyes. They change colours and get amazing clarity... Here are what mine look like today....


Keely said...

I SALUTE you!!! Your eyes look beautiful, by the way!!!

Anonymous said...


My first day went fine. I experienced the same hunger before meals. I did a wonderful waterchrest, tomato, onion and cucumber juice for my last "meal" and it did wonders for my sinus congestion!! I agree your eyes are beautiful. E.

Kathy said...

Keely, I loved the post today! It was very inspirational.

Elizabeth, glad to hear you had a good day too! Tomorrow might be interesting, incorporating work into the day.

Thanks to both of you for the compliment!