Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Pre-Raw Day...

The Raw Food Diet: A concept of only eating living plants, nuts, and seeds to maintain health. The idea sounds simple enough, the fact that our body uses the nutrients from these sources as building blocks for our "living" cells. Living the diet isn't as "simple", at least in my experience so far...

There are some concerns about long-term effects about staying on a "raw" only diet. Guess I have to get there first, to worry about the long-term. The short-term seems too good to be true; weight loss, better energy, improved health, reducing of wrinkles and grey hair...
For me, there are however, some very big road-blocks in the way to obtain this "raw food" adventure. I am a mother of four pre-teens, and the thought of a "raw only" dinner does not excite them. Another hurdle, I am a single parent with a demanding job... therefore, prep time in the kitchen for meals is not in abundance. Also, I live in Canada, where there is plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in the summer months, but my last trip to the farmers market, proved that the season is literally almost done (actually, lots of nice looking apples available). The last hurdle that I have to overcome is a tree-allergy. Now, I know that I won't be carving up any pines for dinner in the near future, but my tree-allergy is so severe that any "un-cooked" product from a tree (fruit or nut) could be fatal - therefore the apples at the market look good, but I can't eat them... gee, maybe I should re-think this "raw" thing afterall...

I am going to order "Living on Live Foods" by Alissa Cohen today (maybe even throw in an order for some of those truffles for when the dreaded sweet tooth rears its ugly head), and I am going to dig out my "Supercharge Me" video and watch it tonight when I get home as inspiration.

I am hoping that this new "blog" will be my way of staying accountable to this new adventure of mine. I am also hoping that if there are others out there on this journey, maybe this forum will be a way for us to support each other.

Wish me luck....